5 Reasons Why Your Next Gathering Should Be Outdoors

Being outside promotes mental well-being, relaxation, lowered stress levels as well as the opportunity to network and deepen relationships with others. So why not host your next event outdoors?
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Whether it's a group of friends meeting for a picnic, coworkers enjoying a summer barbecue, or students listening to a lecture in the park, being outside seems to make events more enjoyable. Not only does being in nature provide a mental and emotional break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, but it can also boost creativity and energy levels. If you're planning your next event, here are five reasons why you should consider taking it outdoors.

Improved Mood

Nature has been linked to greater eudaimonic well-being, which is associated with a sense of purpose and satisfaction in life. There are many reasons why being outside can have such a positive impact on your mood. For one, sunlight helps your body produce vitamin D, which is linked to improved mood and decreased risk of depression. This is because vitamin D helps regulate serotonin levels in the brain, and low serotonin levels are a common cause of depression.

In addition, being in nature can help you feel more connected and less isolated. And when you feel connected, it's easier to combat feelings of loneliness and depression. So if you're looking for a mood booster, spending time outdoors is a great option.

Improved Productivity

t can be hard to find time to relax and recharge in today's fast-paced world. But if you're looking for a way to improve your productivity, spending time outdoors may be the answer.

One study found that those who spent time gazing at nature, whether through a window or in person, had increased concentration levels and task performance. Additionally, according to another study, spending just 29 minutes in nature can enhance productivity by 45% and employee morale by 63%.

If you're struggling to focus on a task or project, take a break and go outside. You may find that you can work more effectively when you return.

Group of people gathered in circle in woods talking

Reduces Stress

Spending time in nature can help reduce stress. No matter what kind of green space you're in, whether a forest or a city park, being around plants and trees can help you feel calm.

This is because exposure to nature can help lower cortisol levels, heart rate, and blood pressure. And when you feel more relaxed, it's more achievable to manage stress. Moreover, one study found that those who took a 90-minute nature walk had lower levels of rumination, a type of thinking that's associated with depression and anxiety.

Promotes Relaxation

Nature does a body good by providing an escape from your hectic life. When you spend time in nature, it's easier to relax and let go of all the things weighing on your mind. This is because being in nature can help shift your focus from negative thoughts to the present moment by engaging your senses.

Whether taking a hike through the woods or exploring a new city, take some time to slow down and enjoy your surroundings. Let nature provide a sense of calm and relaxation.

Fresh Air

We all know that fresh air is good for us, but did you know that it can help improve our cognitive function? This is because breathing in fresh air helps improve blood and oxygen circulation to the brain. And when the brain has more oxygen, it can function at its best.

Other ways that fresh air can benefit your health include:

  • Aiding in digestion. Fresh air improves oxygen flow throughout your body, making it easier to digest food.
  • Improving lung function. The oxygen in fresh air causes your lungs to expand more, ensuring that your lungs are cleansed. When you breathe out through your lungs, you eliminate pollutants from your body.
  • Improving the immune system. Breathing fresh air can aid in the prevention of airborne illness and infection. Bacteria and viruses have a reduced chance of survival in fresh air, unlike warm, humid, indoor settings where they thrive.

The next time you're planning a gathering, whether it's a family reunion or a work function, consider hosting it outdoors.

How To Plan an Outdoor Event

When planning an outdoor event, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that it's successful. First, you'll need to choose the right location, which will depend on the event you're hosting. If you're hosting a small gathering, such as a picnic or barbecue, you may want to consider a park or your backyard. For larger events, such as galas or corporate functions, you may need to rent a space.

Next, you'll need to consider the time of year. For example, if you're hosting a winter event, you'll need to ensure the space is heated. And if you're hosting a summer event, you'll need to ensure that there's shade and that the space is big enough to accommodate everyone comfortably.

Once you've found the perfect spot, it's time to start planning the event. First, however, there are a few things to keep in mind and check off your list before sending out invites.

Check The Weather

When planning an outdoor event, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that it's successful. First, you'll need to choose the right location, which will depend on the event you're hosting. If you're hosting a small gathering, such as a picnic or barbecue, you may want to consider a park or your backyard. For larger events, such as galas or corporate functions, you may need to rent a space.

Next, you'll need to consider the time of year. For example, if you're hosting a winter event, you'll need to ensure the space is heated. And if you're hosting a summer event, you'll need to ensure that there's shade and that the space is big enough to accommodate everyone comfortably.

Once you've found the perfect spot, it's time to start planning the event. First, however, there are a few things to keep in mind and check off your list before sending out invites.

Let Guests Know

When you're sending out invitations, be sure to include information about what guests should expect. Of course, you want your guests to be well prepared for any type of weather conditions, so let them know what to expect and what to bring. For example, if it's going to be a sunny day, encourage guests to bring sunscreen and hats.

Likewise, let them know what type of outdoor space they'll be in. If it's a grassy area, they may want to bring blankets or lawn chairs. If it's a sandy area, they may want to bring beach umbrellas and towels.

Provide Shade and Water

When you're hosting an outdoor event, it's important to provide shade and water for your guests. This is especially important if the event occurs during the summer months. Make sure to have plenty of sunscreen and hats on hand, as well as cold water and drinks.

Consider setting up a hydration station with a cooler of ice water and a selection of beverages, such as iced tea, lemonade, and fruit juice. You can also provide cold snacks, such as fruits and vegetables, to help keep your guests cool.

If you're hosting a work event, consider gifting your employees outdoor cups and mugs or hydration ware like water bottles or tumblers. These are always fantastic gift basket items that your employees are sure to use and appreciate.

Have a Backup Plan for if the Weather Turns

Even if you've checked the weather in advance and it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day, it's always a good idea to have a backup plan. This way, if the weather takes a turn for the worse, you're prepared.

If there's a chance of rain, consider renting a large tent to protect your guests. You can also set up a few smaller tents to create a covered space for food and drinks. If you're expecting high winds, make sure that any loose objects, such as chairs or tables, are secured. The most important thing is to have a plan to keep your guests safe and comfortable no matter the weather.

Outdoor events are a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather and spend time with friends, family, and colleagues. By following these tips, you can ensure that your next outdoor event is successful.